Tuesday, 28 June 2011

"ASHTANGA'S OF AYURVEDA (Eight branches of ayurveda)

  1. Kayachikitsa(General medicine)
  2. Bala chikitsa ( pediatrics)
  3. Graha chikitsa ( psychiatry)
  4. Urdhvanga chikitsa ( E.N.T)
  5. Salya chikitsa(surgery)
  6. Damshtra chikitsa(Toxicology)
  7. Jara chikitsa(Geriatrics and rejuvenation)
  8. Vajeekarana(science of aphrodisiacs)

    Saturday, 25 June 2011


    Yogaasanas which helps in management of back ache are

    • Pavanamukthaasana (stretches low back muscles and thigh)

    • Paschimothasana (strengthens spinal and hamstring muscles)

    • Makaraasana (develop back extensor muscle)

    • Salabhaasana (strengthens back ,buttock,thigh and leg muscles) 

    • Bhujangaasana (develops spinal extensor muscles)

    • Sasangasana ( stretch the back muscle )

    Friday, 24 June 2011


    Scoliosis(skolios means "crooked" in Greek)
    • condition of spinal curvature from side to side
    • on X- ray "S" or "C" shaped spine
    • classification Transient( 3 types ) they are postural, compensatory, sciatic scoliosis
    • management(operative and non-operative)
    Condition can be co-related to kubja

    • Vata vyadhi chikitsa
    • Pachana
    • Snehana(both internal and external)
    • Swedana
    • Sodhana(virechana)
    • Vasthi
    • Dhanyamla dhara 

    Wednesday, 15 June 2011


    Ayurveda is a science of medicine. The word means Ayu = life and veda = science (science of life). Which came into existence three to five thousand years ago and as said is pioneered by Lord Brahma.
    This science explains that the base for living is supported as four pillars viz., dharma, artha, kama, moksha. This is the pecularity of ayurveda that it offers a person to know his aim of life.
    Ayurveda identifies three basic types of energy or functional principles that are present in everybody and everything, viz., vata, pitta and kapha. In ayurveda, body, mind and consciousness work together in maintaining balance. According to ayurvedic philosophy the entire cosmos is interplay of the the five great elements – Akasha, Vayu, Agni, Jala & Prithvi.


    The foundation of ayurveda is based on eight branches (Astanga Ayurveda) and in those one of the divisions is Agada Tantra (Toxicology). The earliest reference of Agada tantra are Atharva veda, Adi parva of Mahabharata, Ramayana.
    The word “Agada tantra” is derived from the combination of the two words – agada & tantra. The word 'agada' is again formed of अ+गद. Gada means disease, discomfort, pain, poison, or morbid conditions produced by any type of the poison inhaled, absorbed, applied, injected or developed within the body. Agada means the medicaments which are used to combat these morbid conditions.
                                  'गदम्  नाम  विषगरादिवैरोधिक  वस्तुजातं
                                  तत् निर्हरण समर्थे अगदं '
    The science through which the positive health of an individual is preserved. “त्रायते शरीरमनेनेति तन्त्रम्”.

                                “अगदतन्त्रं नाम सर्पकीटलूतामूषिकादिदष्टविष
                                 व्यञ्जनार्थं विविधविषसंयोगोपशमनार्थञ्च"
                                                                (ref: Su.Su.1/15)
    Agada tantra deals with the signs & symptoms & also with the management of poisoning, resulting from the bites of snakes, insects and worms, spiders, rodents etc and various other poisons produced by improper combination of substances or drugs.
    Hence, Toxicology (agada tantra) is a science dealing with properties, actions, toxicity, fatal dose, detection, estimation and interpretation of the result of toxicological analysis and treatment of poisons. As the field of the agada tantra is very vast, there is need to understand it in different aspects like divisions & subdivisions, its merits, demerits, qualities, properties, signs & symptoms etc of 'visa' for concluding the diagnosis and the treatment principles.

    Saturday, 11 June 2011


    Nirukthi of kshara
    • The word kshara means that which dissolves, melts, destroys, softens, liquefies etc:-The word kshara means killing it indicate the corrosive action on skin and flesh ie, that which is mordant to the morbific skin or flesh and which destroys the conglomerated dosha. It is there by named 'kshara'.
    Definition of kshara

    •     Kshara is that which destroys the soft and gentle properties like seetha, snigdha, manda mridu, slakshna etc:-
    •     It also destroys the disease. It first produces kshata i.e., hurt or wound. The first hurting effects become beneficial for later healing or curing. Because of the above mentioned nature this specific preparation is named as kshara.
    Characteristic features of kshara

    •                Kshara has teekshna, ushna guna and is powerful to cauterize(burn with caustic in order to destroy diseased tissue or promote healing). It is effective in gulma, arsas, grahani, pleeharoga, mootra krichra asmari and krimiroga. Kshara is used in vrana chikitsa for pachana and daarana.It will clean and heal deep rooted ulcers like fistula. It is diuretic in character
    •                According to susrutha, because of the combination of many plant drugs (during its manufacture) it mitigates the tridoshas, being white colour it is cool through being cool, its action such as burning, ripening, bursting etc:- are not hindered because of the predominance of agney drug(drugs of fergnature) it is pungent, hot(producing heat),penetrates deep, causes ripening, liquification, as healing absorbing (fluids) with holding(stopping) and scarfying destroys worms(bacteria virus ect:-) ama (undigested materials) and kapha cures leprosy (and other skin diseases) poison and fat accumulation (obesity) and if used in excess it even destroys masculinity (sexual power in males)
    Generalmethod of preparation
             Kshara is nothing but the ash itself. So first, the plant part form which kshara is to be prepared is cut into pieces after cleaning well. It is dried and burnt to ash. The ash is collected and dissolved in 4 times of water and filtered to remove any unburnt particles or carbon particles. The solution is then evaporated completely to obtain kshaara

                  Straining should be done through a cloth folded three times to ensure the complete removal of unburnt particle. The above explained procedure is the common method under natural atmospheric conditions. A second procedure of closed method is also in practice

                  I.e. the drugs are cut into small pieces and dried well. The pieces are put in an earthen pot and burnt into ashes. First a few pieces are put and ignited as they burnt more and more pieces are added when all these  pieces are burnt and reduced to ash, the ash is allowed to cool water is also added into the ash in the ratio of 6:2 and mixed well. This is then strained through a piece of cloth. This process of straining may be done two or three times till a clear liquid is obtained. This liquid is then put in an iron or earthern vessel and heated over a moderate fire till the water evaporates leaving a solid salty white substance which is collected. This is known as kshara

    Types of kshara
    Kshaara can be classified on basis of certain criteria

      1.On the basis of use or prayoga
    paneeya kshara(Internal use)  prathisaarani kshara(external use)

    • Paneeya kshara
    Mild alkaline substances are used in the treatment of diseases affecting stomatch,kidney ect ie,
    Disease like Gulma,Asmari and anaha and also in gara(mixed poison).It is in the liquid form and in termed as paneeya kshara.It is  considered  as mild antacid alkali

    • Prathisaraneeya kshara
    prathisaaraneeya kshara is used in the treatment of vrana,Arbudha,Grahani,Arsa bhagandara,nadeevrana etc the kshaara is applied externally and is included in caustic alkalis

    2. on basis of potency (veerya bhedena)
    • mridu (mild)
    • madhya(moderate)
    • Teekshna(highly potent or penetrating)

    3. On basis of number (sangya bhedena)      
       i)kshaara dravya

    •   svarjika kshaara(sodium carbonate)
    •   yava kshara(potassium carbon etc)
       ii) kshaara traya

    •  svarjika kshara
    •  yava kshara
    •  Tankana kshaara.(sodium borate)
    (iii)kshaara panchakas

    •   Palaasa kshaara(potash-crude potassium carbonate)
    •   Misaka kshaara(potash-crude Potassium carbonate)
    •   Yava kshaara(potash-crude potassium carbonate)
    •   Suvarchila kshaara(potassium nitrate)
    •   Tila kshaara(potash)

    (iv) kshaara ashtaka

    • pakaasa kshara(potash)
    • Snuhee kshaara(potash)
    • Apaamarga kshaara(potash)
    • chincha kshaara(potash)
    • Arka kshaara(potash)
    • Thila kshaara(potash)
    • Yava kshaara(potash)
    • Svarjika kshaara(sodium carbonate)

    4 On basis of source (labyatha)

    • Bhouma kshaara
    • Jaliva dravya kshaara
    • Kritrima kshaara
    preparation of pratisaraneeya kshaara
                A general procedure is not available for pratisaraneeya kshaara but according to the potency. Three different kshaara kalpanas are given the main difference in this is in the potency of say drugs used. All the three types are more penetrating (teekshna) than paneeya kshaara

                The three sources drugs of kshaara(jangama,paarthiva,and audbhida) are collected as per recipe and burnt separately with hay of tila from three types of kshaara thus obtained,the plant origin ash is dissolved in six times of cows urine mixed with equal quantity of water it is strained repeatedly for 21 times and this process the kshaarajala turns cjear red coloured and slimy. It is them poured into an groom versedl and cooked over fire to half of its quantity.Jangama and paarthiva kshaara prepared earlier are now added to the condensed Kshaarajala,in the form of kalka.(kalka is prepared by grinding the kshaara and ingredients of the recipe with kshaaraja) .The contents of the iron vessel is again cooked till it attains lehapaka.ie, thick and viscid with furming bubbles. The vessel is removed from fire at this stage and after cooked down. Transferred to another iron 

                 Acharya dalhana quotes the dose for prasaraneeya kshara in the arso chikitsa. Kshara should be applied in one, two or three pinches for mridu, madhya and teekshna respectively. Similar measurement is also sufficient and useful in pitta,kapha and vata dosha respectively
    For paneeya kshara the dose ranges from 250mg to 1g.


                 Alkali of strong potency should be used in diseased arising from vata, sleshma(kapha) and medas (fat) such as arbuda (cancerous growth ).Alkali of medium potency shall do in those disease when these disease are of moderate strength. The other kind of alkali(alkali of mild potency) should be used in hemorrhoids caused by pitta and arsa(blood).When the alkali loses its water content, some quantity of alkaline solution should be added to strengthen it.

    Contra indication
     Cauterization by alkali should not be done for persons such as the debilitated children old aged persons, fearful, suffering from swelling all over the body, enlargement of abdomen, bleeding disease, pregnant lady, women during menstruation, advanced stage of fever, diabetes, injury to the chest (lungs), Emaciation, injury thirst, fainting and other complications, the importance, and yoni (uterus displaced downwards or upwards, so also  implaces such as vital spots, veins, ligaments, joints cartilage, sutures, arteries, throat, umbilicus, nail bed, penis, places with less muscles, eyes and excepting disease of the eyelids

    Even those disease which are curable with the use of alkali, in patient who have swelling and pain in the bones heartedness towards, food, pain in the heart and joints alkali will not succeed. 

    Friday, 10 June 2011


    In ayurveda, Charak Samhita describes eight different types of bodies that are disease prone. Out of these, the obese body is described as the one afflicted with the most diseases and troubles. Obesity is the condition or physical state of the body when excessive deposition of fat takes place in the adipose tissue.
    Extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles and thus, overweight people are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. Chief cause of obesity is overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating or mixing non-compatible food items in one meal.
    To decrease weight and get rid of obesity three things must be kept in mind:
    1. Controlling eating habits.
    2. Regular exercise.
    3. Avoiding the causes of weight gain
    Diet recommended to lose weight
    Early morning
    Juice of half a lemon mixed in a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey.
    Wheat or Mung bean sprouts and a cup of skimmed milk.
    A glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice.
    Salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes. Steamed or boiled vegetables Whole grain bread or whole wheat chapatis (Indian bread) and a glass of buttermilk. Roasted cumin seeds, green coriander leaves, a little salt and some grated ginger mixed in the buttermilk.
    Coconut water, Dry fruits, Lemon tea, Fresh vegetable soup
    Whole grain bread or chapatis Steamed vegetables Seasonal fruits except banana and apple.

    Home Remedies for Losing Weight
    • Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.
    • Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.
    • Milk products like cheese, butter etc. and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat.
    • Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. A chutney of green mint with some simple spices can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.
    • Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.
    • Regular intake of carrot juice.
    • Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.
    • Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful in loosing weight.
    • Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
      Dosage: One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.
    • Fasting on honey and lime- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. For this, mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water.
      Dosage: Take several times a day at regular intervals.
    • Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.
    • Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat. Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming or rowing



    The first step to understanding the various causes of low back pain is learning about the normal design (anatomy) of the tissues of this area. Important structures of the low back include the bony lumbar spine , iscs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, sacrum and cosix , muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, and the skin covering the lumbar area.

    The bony lumbar spine is designed so that vertebrae "stacked" together can provide a movable support structure while also protecting the spinal cord from injury. Each vertebrae has a spinous process, a bony prominence behind the spinal cord, which shields the cord's nervous tissue. They also have a strong bony "body" in front of the spinal cord to provide a platform suitable for weight bearing of all tissues above the buttocks. The lumbar vertebrae stack immediately atop the sacrum bone. On each side, the sacrum meets the iliac bone of the pelvis to form the sacroiliac joint .
    The discs are pads that serve as "cushions" between the individual vertebral bodies. They help to minimize the impact of stress forces on the spinal column. Each disc is designed like a jelly soft structure with a central softer component (nucleus pulposus) and a surrounding outer ring (annulus fibrosus). Ligaments are strong fibrous soft tissues that firmly attach bones to bones. Ligaments attach each of the vertebrae to each other and surround each of the discs.
    The nerves that provide sensation and stimulate the muscles of the low back as well as the lower extremities (the thighs, legs, feet, and toes) exit the lumbar spinal column through bony portals, each of which is called a "foramen."
    Many muscle groups that are responsible for flexing, extending, and rotating the waist, as well as moving the lower extremities, attach to the lumbar spine.

    What is the function of the low back?

    The low back, or lumbar area, serves a number of important functions for the human body. These functions include structural support, movement, and protection of certain body tissues.
    When we stand, the lower back is functioning to support the weight of the upper body. When we bend, extend, or rotate at the waist, the lower back is involved in the movement. Therefore, injury to the structures important for weight bearing, such as the bony spine, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, often can be detected when the body is standing erect or used in various movements.
    Protecting the soft tissues of the nervous system and spinal cord as well as nearby organs of the pelvis and abdomen is a critical function the lumbar spine and its adjacent muscles.

    What are common causes of low back pain?

    Ø     Lumbar strain (acute, chronic)
    Ø     Nerve irritation                
    Ø     Lumbar radiculopathy
    Ø     Bony encroachment
    Ø     Arthritis
    Ø     Disc Problems
    Ø     Bone and joint conditions
    Ø     Congenital bone conditions (existing from birth)
    Ø     Degenerative bone and joint
    Ø     Injury to the bones and joints
    Ø     Over weight
    Ø     kidney problems , pregnancy , ovary problems ,Tumors, TB Spine

    Ayurvedic Approach
    According to ayurvedic system of thought, back pain is a result of imbalance three 'Doshas' of the body: kapha, pitta, and vata especially the vata dosha
    According to Ayurveda the combined application of external Ayurveda therapy along with the internal products can give successful result . Kadivasthi ,snehavasthi , elakizhi , njavarakizhi are some of the important Ayurveda therapy for lowe back pain

    Kati Vasti
    In this process specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over the lower back with in a boundary made out of herbal paste. It is recommended in low back ache and spinal disorders .It relieves pain in sciatica and inter vertebral disc prolepses , inter vertebral slip disc and numbness .

    Ela Kizhi
    It is a process in which herbal leaves are tied in a cloth bag. This bag is dipped into hot medicated oil and then applied over the body. It relieves from body pain, stiff ness, inflammations , back aches , arthritis and similar ailments

    Njavarakizhi is a process where the body is made to perspire by applying muslin bags filled with hot medicated rice mixed with herbs and oil. This is nourishing and helpful for rheumatism , joint and muscle pain and certain skin problems. It is also effective in trauma, muscular wasting, arthritis, general weakness, paralysis etc.
      Avagaha Swedana
    Avagaha Swedam, immersing in a medicated medium, is a special treatment in traditional Ayurveda for diseases such as neurological disorders, rheumatism and arthritis and low back pain . It is the fomentation by sitting in a tub or a vessel with vata alleviating decoction . This treatment is also effective for ano rectal disorders like piles and it is also recommended for urinary problems etc

    Snahavasthi is the application of specially prepared medicated oil through anal rout to balance the vitiated doshas especially vata dosha . This therapy will detoxify, strengthen and stabilize the structures of the lower back

    Dos And Don’ts to prevent low back pain

    a) If you are a computer professional or an office going person, be careful not to sit in a stretch and strain yourself for a long time.

    b) Reduce the consumption of vata-increasing foods,
    like pinto beans, beans, and cold salads dry foods etc

    f) Undergoing periodical Ayurvedic oil massage or spinal bath.

    g) Eat warm cooked meals that are a little oil, not dry.

    h) Minimize sexual activity when you have back pain.

    j) Avoid exposure to cold weather.

    k) Swimming is a good exercise.

    l) Avoid lifting heavy objects.

    m) Avoid high-heeled shoes.

    n) Avoid a sagging bed.

    o)Regular mild exercises 


    Body Feature
    Unusually tall/ short
    Medium to broad
    Prone to be under weight(lean)
    Excess. Can be balaned with exercise
    Skin Colour & Complexion
    Light coloured, pink or coppery
    Skin Characteristics
    Oily, smooth, Thick
    Sweats even in cold climate
    Head Hair
    Red(blonde or light brown) Early greyig & Baldness
    Dark brown/ chocolatey, thick, wavy
    Hard, brittle, rough
    Soft, strong, rubbery, well formed, lustrous pink with coppery tinge
    Strong, Large, symmetrical
    Grey, Violet, Slate blue, Dry & scratchy
    Medium in size, light in colour. Hazel, green, red, light blue, Sclera has reddish tinge and becomes fiery red when irritated
    Large size, more often milk chocolate in colour. Tendency to itchyness
    Uneven teeth, irregular size, brittle, over sensitivity to cold and sweet. Astringent & bitter taste in mouth.
    Even teeth of medium size. Prone to cavities, gums tend to bleed easily.
    Tongue coated occassionaly. Sour or mettalic taste in mouth
    Large, even, gleaming teeth that rarely need attention. Sweetish or sour-sweetish taste on mouth
    Anxious to eat but fills faster than expected. Variable appetite.
    Good appetite and enjoys eating
    Stable, moderate desire for food
    Can skip brakfast but never lunch
    Light breakfast
    Digestion & Evacuation
    Usually constipated. Tendency to have dark coloured stools. Freaquent gas or bloatting
    Rarely constipated. Usually defecate regularly & frequently. Yellowish, well formed stools, sometimes loose
    Regular, Usually has bowel movements once daily
    Irregular cycles
    Regular cycles, heavy bleeding
    Regular periods with average quantity
    Climate Preference
    Loves warm climate
    Preffer colder region and finds hot climate intolerable
    Stable. Not greatly disturbed by extreame climate
    Sex Drive
    Ample Sexual
    Physical  srength & Endurance
    Restless. Low Stamina
    Does vigorous exercise. Naturally compulsive & quantitative
    Exellent muscle tone & naturally quantitative
    Thin, shallow, fast. Broken or variable rhythm
    Full, regular & strong, medium speed & rhythm
    Strong, Full, Slow
    Light, disturbed
    Sleeps easily, lightly and wakes up alert
    Sleeps quickly and heavily and wakes up rested and alert
    Dreams a lot and forgets it easily. Violent and dreams involving motion
    Usually remember what they dreams. Intense, involving heat, light or energy.
    Cool, calm, quite, peaceful dreams
    Vocal Quality
    Speaks quickly.
    Concise and one-pointed
    Speaks Slowly and cautiosly
    Characteristic emotion
    Fear 7 anxiety
    Likes to avoid confrontations, disinterest in change, often strssed by unpredictable situations
    Personality Traits
    Sensitive, react quickly to change
    Strong & forceful in their deelings
    Predominantly calm, quiet, steady, Serious thoughts
    Fleeting ideas
    Plan methodically & efficiently & enjoys implementing new ideas
    Manage well
    Remembers and forgets easily
    Remembers easily & forgets with difficulty
    Needs to be told more than one but never forget.