Wednesday, 22 February 2012



Constipation is characterized by passage of hard stool, incomplete evacuation, and with abdominal discomfort. The presences of symptoms such as rectal bleeding, pain are significant for further investigations. Intestinal obstruction, spinal cord lesions, anal masses, rectal prolapses, should also be considered. Conditions like colonic carcinoma, fissures, hemorrhoids, reduced colon motility and distention with gas can also lead to constipation. Metabolic diseases like diabetes, spinal cord disease, Parkinsonism, cerebral accidents, hypothyroidism etc also contribute to constipation. Apart from these certain drug like Aluminum antacids and iron supplements add to constipation.
Ayurveda considers it as a problem related to vitiation of vata in pelvic cavity and its structures like colon, rectum etc. Food habits and regimens play a major role to produce constipation.

          Diet with more hot, pungent and astringent taste
          Riding vehicles especially in bad roads
          Sitting for long time
          Obstructing natural urges
          Excess sexual intercourses
          Improper practicing of enema 
          Continuous contact with cold water
          Abortion, miscarriage
          Walking long distance
          Avoidance of sleep at night.
Prevention of the cause
Medicament's selected identifying the situation
Common drugs used: Triphala, Dry grapes, Sennna leaves, Ghee + ksharam, Isabgol, milk
Food must be having more fiber content (vegetables, wheat, fruits, etc.)
Avoid excess fried and oily food.
Adequate water should be consumed daily
Taking small banana after food prevents the chance of constipation.
Enema therapy (oil or decoction)
Practicing of Yoga _ Pavanamukthasanam,



It is a type of kayaseka, included under drava sweda. Dhanyamla is included under Sandhana kalpana. It is used in vatarogas, especially with kaphanubandha.

Materials required:
  1. Dhanyamla- 4 litres
  2. Vessels- 4
  3. Soft towels- 3
  4. Oil for talam-10 ml
  5. Oil for abhyanga- 100 ml
  6. Rasnadi Choorna- 5g
  7. Kernel/Plastic mug with pointed tip-2
  8. Gauze-1
  9. Cotton ear plugs-2
  10. Masseurs- 2
  11. Attendant- 1

Pre operative procedure(poorva karma):
Patient should sit on the droni; talam should be kept on head and sarvanga abhyanga should be done. Sometimes abhyanga is not done according to the condition of the patient. Gauze should be tied around the head above the eyebrows. Ears should be plugged with gauze. The patient should be covered with a thin cloth below the neck. This procedure may also be practiced without covering the body.

Procedure(pradana karma):
Warm Dhanyamla  is poured with kernels/mugs by two attendants standing on either sides of the droni. The temperature should be around 40oC. Dhara should be poured at a medium speed and from a height of 6-12 cm. This is to be done in the seven positions mentioned in Kayaseka. Can be done hot or cold according to condition. Take new dhanyamla each day.

Post operative procedure(paschat karma):
After dhara clean the body & head using the soft towel. Ear plugs and gauze are removed & rasnadi choorna is applied to the head. Rest is advised for 1 hour and then asked to take bath. Abhyangam before bath is optional.

Duration: 45minutesX 7 days. Preferably done in morning hours in moderate climate